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There are some reasons and steps for exercising!

leg routine

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Why Should We Do Legs?

Legs are one of the biggest muscle in our body: Legs, Chest and Back. However, many people do not like to exercise legs due to its pain after work out. That pain, in addition, may irritate your daily walking; you might not be able to walk as normal because of the pain you will feel. However, No Pain No Gain. That pain is a sign for your muscle growth! Moreover, there are several reasons why you should train your legs: 1. healthy legs help you burn off more calories. You will need much more energy if you have a thicker legs; it will result in your weight loss. 2. healthy legs help our body secret men's hormone such as testosterone. Want to be muscular or manly? Try Legs! (

leg anatomy

Chest routine

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Why Should We Do Chests?

As listed above, chests are one of the biggest muscle in our body: Legs, Chests and Back. Actually, even though we do not stress out about the importance of chests exercise, many people start exercising from the chests exercise; doing push-up. In addition, everyone knows how important the chests are in terms of body shape, especially for men; The thicker the torso is, the better body shape it will present, and eventually it cannot help reflecting on your clothes fit. In fact, if you do chest exercise you will benefit from it. First, it will make your posture better. According to, chests exercise stabilize the shoulder joint, which makes your body posture better. Second, it is known for helping you breathe well. There are many benefits other than these! Check it out! (

leg anatomy

Back routine

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Why Should We Do Backs

Back is one of the biggest muscle in our body, and I would say it is the the most important part of our body. Our spine, which supports our weight when we stand, would not be okay were it not for back muscle; since the back muscle supports our spine, we are able to stand and walk, or sit and support our head weight. In addition to physical benefits of back, back muscle is also important for looking. In other words, as you train your back muscle, your waist will look thinner; as a result, it will give you a better outlook of your overall shape. Check it out! (

leg anatomy